About Invisible Disability Ireland
Invisible Disability Ireland is a recognized national non-profit organisation in the Republic of Ireland. Invisible Disability Ireland raises awareness of invisible disabilities, hidden illnesses or less apparent conditions. Invisible Disability Ireland campaigns on issues facing the invisible disability community and advocates for increased supports and resources for those impacted. This is done through campaigns, meetings, talks and advocacy. By providing accurate information it ensures authentic representation and deeper understanding of invisible disabilities to the entire community and beyond.
Although there were Invisible Disability charities in the North America, Australia and the United Kingdom, there were no charities in Ireland which solely focused on the umbrella term of invisible disabilities. Therefore, Invisible Disability Ireland is a unique and much needed organisation for those who live with a hidden condition. Since Invisible Disability Ireland began, we have continued to advance the perception and understanding of invisible disabilities in Irish society.
Challenging the Status Quo
Invisible Disability Ireland's aspiration is to challenge the current narrative and perception around disability with a particular emphasis on hidden conditions. Societies' view on disability still remains problematic, one dimensional and archaic in the language, behaviours and resources used and allocated to persons with a disability. The universal symbol of disability endures; the person who is a wheelchair user, however this is not representative of the entirety of the diversity of the disability population. We want to shake things up! And show people what disability really looks like, how common it is and how deceiving it can be, as 80% of all disabilities are completely invisible, internal and hidden.
Invisible Disability Ireland has been established for almost 5 years. The organisation is currently analysing the possibility of charitable status with funding and staff to ensure the exponential needs of the organisation are being met as the organisation continues to rapidly grow and expand. Invisible Disability Ireland are examining the type of charity governance and model of funding to best ensure this.
Progress to Date......
Invisible Disability Ireland is founded.
Ireland's first ever Invisible disability
IDI begin corporate talks and have raised over €10,000 for Irish charities
IDI launches the Please Offer me a Seat badge and card with TFI
IDI becomes
a member of
'The Wheel'
IDI celebrates its 4th year
as an organisation
IDI announce intention to become a registered charity
Founder of Invisible Disability Ireland
Invisible Disability Ireland was founded in August 2019 by the Founder and Director Emily Larkin when she discovered there were no invisible disability charities or organizations in Ireland. Emily was diagnosed with multiple chronic illnesses throughout the years. This inspired her to set up Invisible Disability Ireland as there was a lack of awareness and support towards people with chronic illnesses and invisible disabilities here in Ireland.
Since IDI was set up, it has grown massively with over 3,000 followers on social media and has achieved many amazing things to date in a short space of time. Emily has appeared on many media outlets discussing the work she has done as a patient advocate and as Director of Invisible Disability Ireland. She has also collaborated on many projects and campaigns alongside many organizations and has met many public and elected representatives to further highlight the ongoing difficulties facing people with invisible disabilities. Emily's aim for Invisible Disability Ireland is to ensure that Ireland is a better place to live for people with Invisible Disabilities. Emily is currently 24 years old and is a primary school teacher.